What lies within?Akashi lives with her younger sister, Ipsha in Kalimpong, a remote hill station. Their tranquil life turns upside down with the arrival of a stranger in the town, who stalks Ipsha desperately. He tries to lure her by sending love notes and playing a haunting tune on his harmonica, without revealing his identity and showing his face. As Ipsha gets bewitched by him, Akashi tries to protect her from the creepy stalker. She tries to solve the mystery of the stranger and gets shocked by certain revelations. Meanwhile, she realizes that her sister has been deceiving her at every turn of the road.Why is Ipsha deceiving Akashi? And, what does the stranger exactly want from the two sisters? Will Akashi be able to save her sister from the darkness she is walking into? Or will she be shattered, knowing certain things about her sister that she had no idea about?Taut with suspense, "Canvas of a Mind" will take you on a riveting ride. Are you eager to know what lies within?

Canvas of Mind is a psychological thriller and the story revolves around two sisters Ipsha and Akashi. Akashi loves her younger sister Ipsha the most and after the death of their parents, she takes care of her sister like a mother. She is a caring sister and a true friend. They are living a happy life but the then the story takes a turn when a stranger starts stalking Ipsha. She is unware of his motive to enter in her life. She starts hiding things from her dear sister Akashi. Akashi comes to know the truth and she protects her sister from the stranger. You'll have to read the book to know how she goes out of the way to save her sister. I am sure you too will enjoy reading interesting turns and twists in the story.

I enjoyed reading the book and I could very well relate to the beautiful bond that Akashi share with her sister. I loved the writing style of Author Purba. The language used is simple and the title of the story is apt. I liked the attractive cover of the book. I would recommend this book to all readers and would rate it 4/5.


Purba Chakraborty is a novelist, poet, web content developer, lifestyle blogger and social influencer from Kolkata. She has authored two novels "Walking in the streets of love and destiny," "The Hidden Letters" and a poetry book "The Heart Listens to No One." "Canvas of a Mind" is her third novel. Her short stories and poems have been published in more than ten anthologies and various magazines. She lives with her father and grandmother. Her hobbies are reading, singing and traveling. Books and music are her most loved companions. She plans a vacation every few months to a beach or a hill station. Her wanderlust is insatiable. She believes that traveling makes her a better storyteller as she comes across so many fascinating people during travelling. She is a restless dreamer and wishes to write till her last breath.


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