He explained, “Arjuna’s egoistic evaluation of himself as the greatest warrior was being put to test by this fratricidal war. To keep his honour and prestige intact, he was anxious to attain a victorious outcome. When he saw the vast Kaurava army, Arjuna feared defeat since their army was considerably smaller. He mistakenly assessed the fratricidal war wherein he desired a personal victory to establish his supremacy in that era as the greatest archer. He perceived himself: a single ego, fighting with other individual egos. He forgot the all-important dictum that it was one army fighting another one, wherein the cause was a glorious one since Lord Krishna sought to redress the skewed balance between Dharma and Adharma.” “In this war, neither was personal egos being assessed nor were personal issues to be sorted out. Everyone had to temporarily lose his or her egoistic individuality and merge to form one army. There are many different facets of Arjuna’s despondency. Lord Krishna silently heard every logical and convincing argument put forward by Arjuna. Arjuna was confused by Lord Krishna’s unflinching silence. The mental crisis that besieged the powerful personality of Arjuna completely transformed him. He portrayed a bewildered and confused personality, overcome with grief at the thought of committing the felonious sin of killing his clan. He loses his basic self-confidence as his traumatized nerves denounce the occurrence of a fratricidal war. His neurotic mental condition portrays a restless mind which involuntarily seeks the human frailty of escapism.” “Diverse complicated situations that life offers to us, continually is subtly comparable to a conflict on the battlefield. When you delve deeply into the subtle nuances of Lord Krishna’s philosophy, you may find yourself caught in a moral battle between Dharma and Adharma, which often strain familial relations. We have to accept every external crisis as an occasion to enhance our inner life. "
At some point in our lives we experience turbulent thoughts and emotions and we are unable to calm our mental confusion and internal dialogue. The protagonists of this book, Aditi, Virat, Vaidehi and Karthik goes through many such similar experiences and they want wisdom to flow in their lives and that's when they decide to go to 'Soul' ( as we have already read about 'Soul' in the First book ). The second book in the trilogy- The City Of Lord Vishnu discusses about the karmic bank balance and karmic debts. 'Soul' enlightens this group of people about the Karmic debts and how the karmic debts of our past lives influence our present life. Souls shares intense nuggets of information about how we unknowingly create some life situations and repeatedly face them till we learn our lesson. The moment we learn these lessons our karmic debt is over. We can reduce these debts through meditation. Soul explains how meditation helps us balance our karmic debt.
In the second part of the book Author discusses about the beauty of Mother Nature and our ability to imbibe pure vibrations from the five elements. This part also gives detailed explanations of the Chakras, the Auras and the mystical Kundalini. Through the medium of Soul, Author explains how each one of us is deeply influenced by different incidents of our past lives and all this is stored in our aura. Other than these important aspects, there is rich and substantial enlightening work on the experience of prayer and importance on making gratitude a practice in everyday life.
The book is a wonderful collection of questions and answers centralized around spirituality, that show us how everyday spirituality serves as a seedbed for wonder.
RATING: 5/5 STARS. Highly recommended!
Hema Myer Sood released her first book at 29. The Eternal Ocean of Brahma depicts the wisdom of the Bhagavad Geetha imbibed through intuitive perceptions of the waves of the ocean. She received notable reviews and was compared to Newton and Archimedes for her unprecedented perceptions. Another two books successfully followed within a few years.
Two decades later, The Karmic City trilogy was released in the genre of New Age Philosophy. Karmic Cords is a poignant narrative of the author’s personal loss of her only sibling.Her foray into historical fiction interwoven with New Age Philosophy created a unique thriller- The Crown of Tijara which will be released in 2020.
He explained, “Arjuna’s egoistic evaluation of himself as the greatest warrior was being put to test by this fratricidal war. To keep his honour and prestige intact, he was anxious to attain a victorious outcome. When he saw the vast Kaurava army, Arjuna feared defeat since their army was considerably smaller. He mistakenly assessed the fratricidal war wherein he desired a personal victory to establish his supremacy in that era as the greatest archer. He perceived himself: a single ego, fighting with other individual egos. He forgot the all-important dictum that it was one army fighting another one, wherein the cause was a glorious one since Lord Krishna sought to redress the skewed balance between Dharma and Adharma.” “In this war, neither was personal egos being assessed nor were personal issues to be sorted out. Everyone had to temporarily lose his or her egoistic individuality and merge to form one army. There are many different facets of Arjuna’s despondency. Lord Krishna silently heard every logical and convincing argument put forward by Arjuna. Arjuna was confused by Lord Krishna’s unflinching silence. The mental crisis that besieged the powerful personality of Arjuna completely transformed him. He portrayed a bewildered and confused personality, overcome with grief at the thought of committing the felonious sin of killing his clan. He loses his basic self-confidence as his traumatized nerves denounce the occurrence of a fratricidal war. His neurotic mental condition portrays a restless mind which involuntarily seeks the human frailty of escapism.” “Diverse complicated situations that life offers to us, continually is subtly comparable to a conflict on the battlefield. When you delve deeply into the subtle nuances of Lord Krishna’s philosophy, you may find yourself caught in a moral battle between Dharma and Adharma, which often strain familial relations. We have to accept every external crisis as an occasion to enhance our inner life. "
At some point in our lives we experience turbulent thoughts and emotions and we are unable to calm our mental confusion and internal dialogue. The protagonists of this book, Aditi, Virat, Vaidehi and Karthik goes through many such similar experiences and they want wisdom to flow in their lives and that's when they decide to go to 'Soul' ( as we have already read about 'Soul' in the First book ). The second book in the trilogy- The City Of Lord Vishnu discusses about the karmic bank balance and karmic debts. 'Soul' enlightens this group of people about the Karmic debts and how the karmic debts of our past lives influence our present life. Souls shares intense nuggets of information about how we unknowingly create some life situations and repeatedly face them till we learn our lesson. The moment we learn these lessons our karmic debt is over. We can reduce these debts through meditation. Soul explains how meditation helps us balance our karmic debt.
In the second part of the book Author discusses about the beauty of Mother Nature and our ability to imbibe pure vibrations from the five elements. This part also gives detailed explanations of the Chakras, the Auras and the mystical Kundalini. Through the medium of Soul, Author explains how each one of us is deeply influenced by different incidents of our past lives and all this is stored in our aura. Other than these important aspects, there is rich and substantial enlightening work on the experience of prayer and importance on making gratitude a practice in everyday life.
"Prayer is a path for God to hear you. But He knows your thoughts and desires even before you are aware of them. When we pray we raise our own vibratory level to a higher consciousness, because that is the only gift you can actually give to the Supreme."I enjoyed this fresh and creative reading experience about group of young adults who seek spiritual wisdom from Soul. They all come together to create a positive change. Reading their discussions between this group and Soul will help readers attain a deeper understanding about important aspects of life. I would say that this is an inspiring and enlightening book. With Author's clear and encouraging language, helpful examples, wise and practical steps toward spiritual growth, Author has definitely done a brilliant job in writing a wide-eyed and wonderful spiritual resource for readers.
The book is a wonderful collection of questions and answers centralized around spirituality, that show us how everyday spirituality serves as a seedbed for wonder.
RATING: 5/5 STARS. Highly recommended!
Hema Myer Sood released her first book at 29. The Eternal Ocean of Brahma depicts the wisdom of the Bhagavad Geetha imbibed through intuitive perceptions of the waves of the ocean. She received notable reviews and was compared to Newton and Archimedes for her unprecedented perceptions. Another two books successfully followed within a few years.
Two decades later, The Karmic City trilogy was released in the genre of New Age Philosophy. Karmic Cords is a poignant narrative of the author’s personal loss of her only sibling.Her foray into historical fiction interwoven with New Age Philosophy created a unique thriller- The Crown of Tijara which will be released in 2020.