Title: The Heartfulness Way
Author: Kamlesh D. Patel with Joshua Pollock
Publisher: Westlandbooks
Pages: 191
Price: INR 299
If you knew there was a practical way to transcend suffering and fly into the sky of hope and contentment, would you be interested?
That is exactly what heartfulness offers-transforming us from the inside out so that we see the world in a new way, without the filters of our limitations.
The Heartfulness Way is one of the most enlightening spiritual books I have read this year. In this book Daaji reveals principles of the Heartfulness practice and philosophy to Joshua Pollock and this is done beautifully through a series of illuminating conversations between the two. We all have read about meditation and experienced meditation but the heart-based meditations for spiritual transformation explained in this book are something really life-changing. I got to learn a lot about the heartfulness practices which are easy to apply in our day-today lives. The tips given in this book are pratical and really useful. We get to learn how to regulate mind while meditating and what to do after meditation, importance of securing meditative condition and how to secure the meditative condition. I loved reading about the practice of cleaning and prayers. The book tells us everything about Meditation. After reading this book, I felt enlightened and a little changed person. I will surely allow these heartfulness pratices to become part of my life.
'Meditation does not create anything at all. Meditation reveals. What does it reveal? That which is real, that which is authentic, that which is true. Lies are created. Untruth is created. Reality can never be created-it is as it is.'
Author: Kamlesh D. Patel with Joshua Pollock
Publisher: Westlandbooks
Pages: 191
Price: INR 299
If you knew there was a practical way to transcend suffering and fly into the sky of hope and contentment, would you be interested?
That is exactly what heartfulness offers-transforming us from the inside out so that we see the world in a new way, without the filters of our limitations.
The Heartfulness Way is one of the most enlightening spiritual books I have read this year. In this book Daaji reveals principles of the Heartfulness practice and philosophy to Joshua Pollock and this is done beautifully through a series of illuminating conversations between the two. We all have read about meditation and experienced meditation but the heart-based meditations for spiritual transformation explained in this book are something really life-changing. I got to learn a lot about the heartfulness practices which are easy to apply in our day-today lives. The tips given in this book are pratical and really useful. We get to learn how to regulate mind while meditating and what to do after meditation, importance of securing meditative condition and how to secure the meditative condition. I loved reading about the practice of cleaning and prayers. The book tells us everything about Meditation. After reading this book, I felt enlightened and a little changed person. I will surely allow these heartfulness pratices to become part of my life.
'Meditation does not create anything at all. Meditation reveals. What does it reveal? That which is real, that which is authentic, that which is true. Lies are created. Untruth is created. Reality can never be created-it is as it is.'