Set in the year 2014, an experience of a young man in his late twenties who has lost every emotional war in his life. He blames himself and is constantly on edge. He is losing the last remaining shred of hope of finding true love, when he comes across a girl who changes everything. Suddenly, his entire world turns upside down and his happiness, that had once evaded him, knows no bounds.
But like every other aspect of his life, his relationship is twisted in more ways than one.
This time, however, he has to decide whether he was to be blamed? Or had there been something else ruining it all along?

What Was My Fault is a story of Farhan and Zoya. Farhan meets Zoya and instantly falls in love with her. The way Farhan loves Zoya is perfect. His feelings are very well described by Author. They spend good time together. Then some dark truths from Farhans past separates them. To know what is the reason behind their separation, you'll have to read this book.

I can say this is one of the best novel I have ever read with a great social message. This book aims to present the harsh reality of society and why we should try to change the mindsets of people.  I don't want to reveal much about the story in my review, as I want you to read the book and know the complete story yourself.

The book is very well-written.  The book cover and title are apt. Aziz Padiwala has become one of my favourite author in no time at all.

I would like to give it 5/5.


GG. said…
I prefer to read the quality content. I like it. Thanks for sharing!
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